Our Studios

Studio Design

Our Studios are designed to create flexible spaces for work, learning, and play.

They are tight-knit communities of mixed-age children who support each other and collaborate daily.

Children work together to create rules for the space. Some areas might be off limits for play, while others are more flexible.

Ultimately, the learners come together to agree to those ground rules and promises—all based on a key promise to not distract themselves or each other during times of work.

A primary goal in our Studios is to guide learners in their development of social and problem-solving skills.

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Ages 4-6

Spark is Launching in Fall 2024 🚀

Like Maria Montessori, we believe even the youngest child has important work to do. Spark is best imagined as a garden where learners embrace Montessori work and Spark Play to learn real-life skills and develop the independence, focus, and kindness needed to enter an Acton Elementary Studio — each prepared to discover a calling that will change the world.

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Ages 6-11

Elementary Studio

Young people in the Elementary Studio embark on a journey into the real world with the thrilling opportunities and responsibility that come with it. We encourage our young heroes to tap into their unique genius and continue building real-world skills.

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Ages 11-14

Middle School Studio

Middle School Heroes continue to learn through quests, deepening Socratic discussions, and independent skill work in the areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. Self-exploration is emphasized as Heroes add apprenticeships that help reveal their genius and add more tools and strategies to their learning repertoire.

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Coming soon!

Launch Pad

Launchpad students get ready for real-world success by gaining valuable skills, mastering them through apprenticeships, and launching real startups, businesses, and projects.

​Your accomplishments will be showcased in a series of badges that will dazzle admissions officers at top notch universities or convince employees, partners and investors to join forces in a world changing start up.

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Do you believe your child has the potential to change the world?

Do you believe learning to do and learning to be are more important than textbooks alone?

Do you believe in a closely connected family of lifelong learners?

Take a virtual tour of an Acton Academy studio

Learning at Acton Academy is an invitation to a Hero's Journey. We believe that each of us has a special calling in life, and a series of trials and tests that must be faced with integrity and purpose, in order to live a life of meaning.

Our mission is to prepare everyone for his or her special journey.

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Find out if Acton Acton Academy Amarillo is the right fit for your family:


Get inspired with a visual peak into our learning design.

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Our Story

We're a family just like yours. Find out why we're here.

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