🚀 Informational Night on Tuesday, February 20th. Details and sign up here.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is Acton Academy Amarillo affiliated with Acton Academy?
What ages do you enroll?
Where is your school located?
How long is Acton Academy Amarillo in session each year and what is the school calendar?
What is your tuition?
Is Acton Academy Amarillo a Montessori School?
What do you mean by “a hero’s journey”?
What is an “independent learner”?
Does Acton Academy Amarillo serve special needs children?
What do you mean by “every child can change the world?”
What is a “running partner”?
Will children be grouped together by grades?
Why a learner-driven classroom?
Is Acton Academy Amarillo accredited?
Will Acton Academy prepare my teen for college?
How do you use technology in the classroom without students having too much screen time?

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